I honor the limits of the healing modalities in which I am trained, as well as my unique personal limits with respect to training and ability to work well with any given client. When appropriate, I refer clients to psychological and medical professionals.
I honor each client with respect to race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and socio-economic background, and work from an awareness of the ongoing need for social justice and collective liberation.
At times I offer sessions for community members, friends, and colleagues. When entering into these types of consensual dual/multiple relationships, I proactively navigate relational complexity, utilize collegial support, and make referrals as needed for the well-being of the client.
I charge for my time and expertise based on what I need to sustainably provide the healing support I offer. I seek to balance what I need to survive and thrive as a healing practitioner within our current economic system with my commitment to economic accessibility.
I seek to educate and empower rather than foster dependence. I support clients to strengthen their direct relationship with their own wise body, ancestral gifts, community-based support, and other cultural and spiritual sources of support.
I am committed to confidentiality in all of my 1:1 and group work. My clients are welcome to share with others about our work. I will never share about my work with clients unless a client requests for me to do that in the context of coordination of care with another practitioner.